18 Nov Self Care Evaluation Posted at 16:18h in by admin 0 Comments 0 Likes Welcome to your Self Care Evaluation Be honest with yourself and check all that apply. Each holds a 1 point value. MIND I rarely get quiet moments alone. I rarely plan out my day in writing. I am easily flustered,distracted,or upset. I feel burned out. I watch TV more than 3 hours a day. I find it hard to quiet my mind for sleep. I often feel sad or down. BODY I drink less than 64 fluid ounces of water daily. I rarely perform physical activities. I need help managing my weight. I don't have an eating schedule. I fatigue very easily. I rarely get 8 hours of sleep. I eat a lot of sugar. SPIRIT I often feel I'm not good enough. I don't believe in a higher source. I find it difficult to relax or unwind. I lack self confidence. I rarely celebrate my accomplishments. I find it difficult to be alone. Time is Up!
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